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186 Precipice


We are on the precipice as superior architects, artists, and entrepreneurs, because we get excited to know we are the best, yet constantly fall short of the bar, unlike DIJI, when we know that it will be another struggle to reinterpret our personal discourse on the problem of building a future as a star in the sky, looking at you & I, saying “I do not understand”.

There are thousands of us if not millions around the World feeling like this, but we all have to start somewhere, and the further we go, the more we forget how faster and sharper we have become. If, we were to find it at all easy there may be too much naivety on form, and too little function for the good of man, as an artist, yes, of our own personal discourse.

Our own, may be a tapestry of lots of things we have picked up along the way, reinterpreted by our one consciousness, not of many, but of ourselves. We can in fact make headway by reminding ourselves again and again of two things we are inspired by, and then work on our own artistry, by painting if we are an Architect and building a model if we are an artist, yes in 3D.

There are many musicians who are interested in the patter of words and sounds, many artists, who are interested in the blending of colour over colour, until they have gone deep enough to make sense in the real world, and there are architects who have made model after model until they have perfected the art of shape, form, function, spatial aspects, and natural light to have an impact, all on the consumer, however it is not deemed as a profit of the consumer, like a high street product, something you buy off the shelf – downgraded, depreciated, and denigrated, but making approbation in our own for a new law on artistry with our unique anonymity as if there is no face, behind it, no signature on the contract, just an empty box of life, without which, we would not have known how simple complexity is, as a scene in a film, a picture in a book, and so we turn to the picturesque. A melody, and a medley of our own lives, yet still made so well to last, there can be no face behind it. It makes sense here, to discuss how we do that:

We sit on the precipice of the most far distant rock in the horizon and make a song in our minds of how we want the world to be better, and insist we know, because without insisting then we will never know, yet we knew before we started: we had the technique. Yes, it usually means coming late, and making it work by invention, and care. If we do not know how to care then we will never understand, what it took someone with real talent. No, it is not an exaggeration, a front news headline, or a perversion. It is God’s work in us, and he loves. When the people walk away and say let’s steal and have a go, then you have not understood the premise of reinvention, but just stolen something and then you have been caught out red-handed. Because you could not cope with the talent the original instigator of the original inspiration had to create anew and afresh. If that was not enough, you could never put the effort in they already had.

Now, some of you say they were born ahead, and that is the dream, but do not be fooled, ask where your ancestors were from, and then ask, what you are doing to today’s pull-through’s when you are putting up every barrier to them, and not showing due respect to them for setting the future up untold, and yet already told by a few greats. For, we are not of the patronage that caused your ancestors problems in the first place, we are just deemed always the greatest for coming first, which means you either did not try hard enough, or you are just looking for trouble, and so, trouble is what you get.

The stars are always using life experience, to a degree, on the precipice of fashions, and some on fads, but there is a time we all wonder, if just love, and sex can win, and unfortunately, they cannot. We all have to fight, and they say we should thank those who give us darkness to reproach us with true light of ourselves, and we at the top, understand why you are jealous, but that still does not help the fight as a United Nation. So, we all need those less off, to stick their heads outside of the darkness and into the light, and that will put our minds at ease, and allow them to walk into our light, for that is all we give, with love, to you and God.

And if that hurts, then who is playing God? We cannot all find ourselves as God, and yet some crunch, as that is the only culminating answer, when they feel so much pressure, from a history of climbing ladders, so please ease them down off their pedestal and ask them to think again on being God. We have all fallen for that trick, yet some know, it is just a name, and so we, rather they chant it back to us: (in time to the music), as opposed to making us crawl in our own delight.

Now we have a pace, we can ask for what we want, first and then we have a hierarchy, and unfortunately not everyone can walk in without everything on their side. So, what are you not admitting that you have done, that you expect us to set a new law on, yes, just for yourselves, and we will have to do our time, if we put a foot wrong: this is the difference, so, who is responsible both in the realm and out?

Finally, if you still do not understand, become a fan and write something kind to your favourite person in the world, while remaining tactful, intuitive, well, and intelligently rehearsed. If that does not make your day better then what on Earth are you here for?

Blessings, and disguise, as ever people, make us both rotten and ripe, blessings on the other hand, and disguise for your headaches, will be the unfortunate example. Of what it really feels like to be on the precipice.


Love AB. x