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Animal Instincts

When we think we are right, often we are wrong; to presume, to assume and use our animal instincts to react. Therefore, what would be a better way of inadvertently using the anger and the pain. We have all experienced, another wanting us to live in fear – for a belief, an idea, or a misconception, and to live by their ego – which we know brings out the evil in our inseparable guise as a reflection of the monster winning to which we adhere; in shattered weakness to their call. We can get up from the bout, to pull our gears into place, to knock back. But it would be better to turn a blind eye. For it is said: 'to listen to one's own criticism is a weakness', we cannot stand to uphold, unless advice from an elder.

There are a billion neurons firing every second, of every hour, of every day, so, you better be quick witted, if they are after you! - Preferably of course, for false allegations, to keep the ridicule in cycle, purposeful exodus, or general harm, again to boost their own tranquility of the self over-riding others, with very little empathy. We all walk and talk, we all get somewhere, when left alone, and yet united for the universal human goal of evolution.

But it takes time to unravel the purgative force that you are quite innocent of. Therefore, take your time, and let those haters look stupid. Stupidity spells it out, for it is not unlike the human mind, to start an animalistic war if hated, and then feel the exhaustion and guilt of falling into the lack of love you could have shown, in God's name. With revelations of Jerusalem, comes the Bible, and our book of Gold. The righteousness you hold. The governance you sublimely make happen. Your own, power of God, commanded by the Lord himself.

The mind internalises strange experiences, so none of us can be sure of the power of the devil, if he sounds and presents himself in the disguise of Jesus Christ. And lurks and haunts the back of so many minds, by not listening to the relativism of their hearts, instead one needs to open up to the Universe. If there were no evil, how would we know what mediocrity was, and how good it felt to be here, right now, in this moment, and for an eternity? But to know one day, we will all be listened to by government, and other forces, it means we cannot wait for this day to come. Maybe it is truly today or tomorrow, all Peace will be made, all restrictions vanquished, and today Ladies & Gentlemen you will walk free, to do as people possess to themselves, without harming another human – man, woman or child, on this planet. As A Person In A World Of People, @APIAWOP. Never to be hated, but understood in a system of justice, where forgiveness can be given, where adjustments are made, and the whole picture complete, as to just how hard someone went the wrong way, often alone in this sick Urbanised realm of people. More trees please?

We search deep inside ourselves for the lion to roar, or as a lamb of God, in working style. Innocent as a child again, and so, God asks us to come as a child, Luke 18:15-20, how God always saves us. The Dalai-Lama remarks on the fact that, 'The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self.' 'Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.' Yet, we find, so many are frightened to make their actions good, when it is an internalised animal instinct to not breathe deeply, to purposefully add strain to stress, as if we are trying to be God ourselves, as if we can command ourselves too often, to culpably feel fear if we do go out in positivity and oppositely feel the guilt if we don’t. We must remonstrate to be adult, apply our hearts and minds, and commit the expounding force of the Lord, to live wisely, and justly, amongst each other. To craft a niche for explication, to have a phrase to hand, and to plain, obtusely, refuse fear and it's doubts, and the game of evil, which lurks, at all times, if we are second guessing who we truly are. If we have made it, and if we are ready to comply, and commit. Then we are as good as gold, and the word of God becomes us.

So, where does our animal instinct for fear come from? Fear comes from the amygdala, a small almond set of nuclei, in the temporal lobe at the centre of the brain, just in front of the Basal Ganglia – the hub that transfers dopamine to feeling good, and healthy. The amygdala is responsible for detecting emotional salience of the stimuli. And so, we live in mundane times, not understanding how people will react to our public statements of joy and happiness. “GOD LIVES!” If Jesus were here today he surely would be repeating, Matthew 11:25-30, his exclaim to the Father, for revealing the truth to the babes of this ever 'knowing everyone' planet. The planet is small, and so we must enjoy our time. Simply the Bible, is a compendium of prose: The Psalms, and stories, The Manuscripts, for which there are so many scientific facts, of how the water cycle works, the planets geocentric circuit, the Sun takes, the water under the rocks of the Oceans, you discover God loves us in his making, and sets us free through revelation. And of course God revealed today, 1:22, see Passion, ‘85’: My Party on Politics, that, ‘The Sea is Big Enough to absorb, the effluent rising Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere’, so be merry!

Today we really live in a planet of joy and grace, perfect happiness and pleasure between men, women and children. We now have the respect and authority, for black and white to move forwards.

On sex, we must forgive our sins as God promises to cleanse and forgive us from all unrighteousness, 1 John 1:9. The righteous must prevail, for us to satisfy ourselves in sharing our bodies, to find our soul, and not to satisfy ourselves by anyone under the age of 16, in the UK, whether through encouragement or otherwise, the ultimate blaspheme. The debauchery of indulgence and temptation is the worst sin, in our collective eyes through God. We must not be animals, to enjoy the God given blessing of marital sex and intimacy, but share. When we know each other’s actions we will be able to make each other happy. And we are worthy, of being excited, most of the time, in order to overcome adversity, and not to retaliate as a control mechanism of our minds, blaming the opposition in defeat, to overcome our share of the weight, and wealth of our hearts to face the music, and keep on going, enjoying our time together. Both in our personal and public relations. We carry our own reputation, and we are remembered for it.

Please do not mention the 'S' word to your children, unless an early education is required. Never fornicate in front of them, and release yourselves, from their bind, once to bed, to let you freely be adult, never giving them a thought, unless in pro-creation. Remember God is watching and will judge us for our ability to behave as adults away from the child and to emphasise with the ever learning child. We must always protect a child’s innocence.

Life is ours, we own it, so, please never take it for granted. When we think we are right, often we are wrong!




P.S. Special mention to POMPEY & THE GUNNERS! Playing football in the FA Cup tonight, based at Portsmouth. Let's be sensible, respectful, hand shakes, before and after the match, the referee decides, and embrace more passion for the game!

The answer to peace is never to act on our animal instincts. Peace Out Y'all!